In 1992, Disney released its 31st animated feature film titled Aladdin, which was based on the Arabian folktales from One Thousand- and One Nights short story collection, and explored a whimsical tale of adventure, enchantments, and love within its cartoon presentation. Directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, the film, which starred the voice of Scott Weinger, Linda Larkin, Jonathan Freeman, Gilbert Gottfried, and Robin Williams, follows the tale of Aladdin, an Arabian street urchin, who finds a magic lamp containing a genie. In order to hide the lamp from the Grand vizier, he disguises himself as a wealthy prince, and tries to impress the Sultan and his daughter. With dazzling animation, a compelling story, solid voice talents (especially highlighted in Williams performance as Genie), and that classic Disney signature of its musical songs, Aladdin was met with positive reviews from critics and moviegoers alike when it was released back in November 1992 by garnishing over roughly $500 million at the worldwide box office and became the highest grossing animated feature film of all time; holding that position for nearly two before Disney’s 1994 The Lion King took that title. The film was even nominated at both the Academy Awards and Golden Globes that year, winning for Best Original Score and Best Song (i.e. A Whole New World) at both award ceremonies respectfully. Give the success of the film, Disney expanded upon the characters and setting of Aladdin into various spin-off projects, including two sequels (Return of Jafar and Aladdin and the King of Thieves), an episodic cartoon TV series of the same name, and a Broadway show. Now, roughly twenty-seven years since the 1992 was released, Walt Disney Studios and director Guy Ritchie present the latest endeavor from Disney’s reimagining their classic animated features with the 2019 live-action remake Aladdin. Is this live-action adaptation of the Disney classic a cinematic “diamond in the rough” or is it time that Disney puts aside the idea of revisiting its timeless treasures?

In the city of Agrabah, Aladdin (Mena Massoud), a street rat without a home and spends his days as a thief, taking from the rich and sharing with the poor. Without notice, Aladdin’s life gets turned upside; beginning the unexpected entanglement of a disguised Princess Jasmine (Naomi Scott), who wants to know more about life outside her family’s kingdom, spending her days within the care of her father, The Sultan (Navid Negahban), her handmaiden Dalia (Nasim Pedrad), and her pet tiger, Rajah. While they do eventually part ways, Aladdin falls in love with Jasmine, but The Sultan’s wicked advisor, Jafar (Marwan Kenzari), has other plans, using the street rat as his “diamond in the rough” to find a magical lamp in the Cave of Wonders. Discovering the treasure, Aladdin releases the Genie (Will Smith), who offers the boy three wishes as well as helping hand of advice in the ways of life, love, and women. With the potential to try and win the hand of Jasmine’s affection, Aladdin uses one of his wishes to become a prince, arriving in Agrabah as Prince Ali. However, Jafar finds something quite odd about Jasmine’s new suitor, searching for ways to expose the princely figure and reclaim the power of the magic lamp for himself.

Published  by muhammad aris danish bin saaran


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